1. Fares are for passengers travelling together and to/from the same address.
2. Each booking has a $40 per booking cancellation fee if cancelled 24 hours or more prior to travel (amount minus $40 will be refunded to your card or account within 1- 3 business days) – if cancelled within 24 hours of travel, no refund is given.
3. Bookings within 24 hours of travel are considered a late bookings and you may have to fit in with our pre-planned schedule on our shared service.
4. A non-refundable 2% administration fee will apply to Visa & Mastercard credit card transactions. A 4% administration fee will apply to American Express transactions.
5. No Smoking At all times.
6. All seats must be securely fastened.
Safety before climbing on the Shuttle
Safety starts long before you climb on the Shuttle. With the correct preparation, you will enhance your safety and be able to avoid accidents while waiting for the Shuttle.
1. Choose appropriate clothing and footwear for the journey with caution – This should be comfortable but not pose additional risks.
2. Be careful with loose fitting clothing and backpacks. Ensure there are no drawstrings or other hanging objects that could get caught as you enter or exit the shuttle.
3. Follow the instructions of the shuttle driver at all times – There is a good reason for the sequence in which you have to board the shuttle !
Present any passes or identification cards clearly to the shuttle operator.
Allow passengers to leave the shuttle before you attempt to board.
If the shuttle is not close to the curb, be careful when climbing the first step because it may be higher than you realize.
Board the shuttle one-at-a-time and try not to push.
Passengers should exercise care when boarding or exit the shuttle and use the handrail when ascending or descending steps
If you drop something , never go under or near the shuttle to retrieve papers or other objects. The driver may not be able to see you. Alert the driver and ask for assistance
During inclement weather, especially snow and ice, be careful and watch your step. It is wise to wear rubbers or boots at these times. They will not only keep your feet warm and dry, but they will add more traction that will help prevent slips and falls.
Strollers should be folded prior to boarding. Always leave the shuttle with children in front of you, never behind you.
Courtesy to other passengers on the shuttle
On the shuttle, you are sharing a small space with several passengers. You need to avoid conduct that could lead to a physical and verbal confrontation with other passengers, thereby endangering your safety, and the safety of other passengers and distracting the driver.
Be courteous at all times to both fellow passengers and the driver.
The best passengers are the ones who tend to keep to themselves and quietly enjoy the ride home or desired destination.
Smoking will be prohibited on most passenger shuttles.
Radios and tape recorders may be used for your listening pleasure, but earphones must be used and the volume should be low enough so that others cannot hear it.
Do not commit any act or engage in any behavior that may cause harm, damage, or disturbance to any person or property.
Refrain from having loud and/or vulgar conversations on the shuttle, including cellular phone conversations.
Avoid unwanted conversations with other passengers tending to interfere with the other passengers’ use and enjoyment of the bus; or using obscene, threatening, offensive, or “hate” speech.
Don’t throw things inside the shuttle. This could hurt other passengers or the driver.
Report any suspicious items or activities immediately to the operator - Do not confront passengers on your own.
Do not create unsanitary conditions on the shuttle or at shuttle stops.
Help keep shuttle and shuttle stops clean by using trash and recycling receptacles.
In Case of Emergency
What do you have to know in the event of an accident or emergency?
Always follow the guidance from the driver or employees from the shuttle service.
In an emergency, it is up to you to stay calm. Listen to the shuttle driver and follow instructions carefully.
If you observe an incident that could jeopardize someone’s health and safety, report it to the shuttle operator immediately. Your swift action could possibly prevent serious injury
When an emergency occurs that requires a response by Police, Fire or Emergency Medical Services, the operator can call for assistance immediately.
If you have any questions about the safety procedures, ask the driver.
It is best to be alert to emergency procedures when embarking on the shuttle – and not only when it has happened!
It is best to carry with you identification which will inform emergency rescue personnel of your identity, your next of kin's details and contact numbers, allergies, medical fund details etc
This is even more important for young children and the elderly who might struggle to communicate.
Have a look around when you are seated on the shuttle - Please take a moment to locate the emergency exits nearest to you.
The fire extinguisher on a shuttle is usually located behind the driver’s seat, or beneath the front row passenger’s seat, or in the front-most overhead compartment.
Remember: the primary exit from the vehicle is the same door at the front through which you entered.
In an extreme emergency situation, the windows can also serve as exits. Follow the instruction markings on the windows or the window frames.
Also, note that there is most likely an emergency exit hatch in the roof above the centre aisle.